• How Does Using Aftermarket Parts On Your Car Affect Your Insurance?

    You don't need to know how to do your own car repairs or even diagnose engine problems to understand the differences between parts made by the original manufacturer and parts created by other third-party companies, also known as aftermarket components. Aftermarket parts tend to offer a lower price than manufacturer parts and may provide different performance benefits, but choosing this kind of car upgrades could interfere with the insurance you're currently using.
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  • Wicked Weather: How Mother Nature Can Really Do A Number On Your Car

    Bad weather can ruin your day, but it can ruin your car, too. Storms, freezing temperatures, and extreme weather conditions can wreak havoc on your automobile if it's not protected. Mother Nature doesn't care how much it will cost you to have repairs done after she's pummeled your car, and she doesn't give a hoot about what those repairs will do to your auto insurance premiums if you file a claim in order to get them done.
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