Troubleshooting Your Diesel Engine

Posted on: 26 April 2017

Large semis that are powered by diesel engines provide the primary form of transportation for many of the products available in retail stores. If you are hoping to take advantage of the need for reliable transportation services by driving a diesel truck, it's important that you are able to keep the engine in working condition to avoid delivery delays.

Here are three simple tips that you can use for diesel truck repair as you travel down the open road.

1. Identify the reasons why your engine is overheating.

One common problem that semi drivers face is a diesel engine that overheats while hauling a heavy load. If you notice that the engine temperature gauge on your truck is climbing, you need to be able to identify the potential reasons why the engine is overheating so that you can address them before the engine fails.

Check the air filter for obstructions that could be preventing cool air from circulating through your truck's engine bay. You should also check for signs of an oil or coolant leak, as these leaks could contribute to overheating as well.

2. Determine why your truck won't start.

Another problem you may face while delivering a load of goods is a vehicle that will not start. Many drivers make the assumption that a vehicle that won't start has a malfunctioning engine, but this may not be the case.

Be sure that you are taking the time to check the battery connections and the starter motor for problems before you invest in engine repairs. The battery and starter play a critical role in the ignition process, and these parts could be to blame for your diesel engine's failure to turn over.

3. Determine the source of any smoke.

It can be troubling to see smoke coming from your semi truck's engine bay. Determining the source of this smoke can help you make needed repairs to keep your truck's engine working properly as you deliver future loads.

Black smoke coming from the engine bay could be a sign that your fuel injectors are not operating at maximum efficiency, while white smoke usually indicates that there is a problem with your engine's coolant system. Identifying the source of the smoke will help you make the right repairs to keep your truck on the road.

Being able to troubleshoot your diesel engine will allow you to more efficiently make your deliveries by keeping your semi truck operational in the future.
