Signs You Might Need To Visit A Tire Services Shop

Posted on: 20 February 2019

Taking care of the tires on a vehicle is critical to maintaining its performance and safety. Given the current state of the market, though, it's understandable that you may want to be sure there isn't a better solution before you start checking prices with tire dealers. Follow these 5 pointers and you can rest assured that you'll be getting the most out of your tires.

Tread Depth

A classic approach to verifying tread depth on tires is to use a penny. Place the penny with the top of Abe Lincoln's head pointed toward the tire. If you can see all of his head, then your treads are worn and the tires need to be replaced. Should any part of the head be covered, you have at least 1/16th of an inch of tread left.

Folks who live in areas with lots of bad weather may prefer to use the same test with a quarter. With a quarter, you can rest assured that you have at least 1/8th of an inch if at least part of the head is covered.

Air Pressure Loss

Losing air pressure is a fact of life when owning tires. This is particularly the case in regions where temperatures swing rapidly.

With that in mind, though, there's a point at which air pressure loss becomes abnormal. On average, a tire should lose between one and three PSI a month. If you clearly need to reinflate your tires more often than once a month, it's time to take them to a tire services professional for a check. Common issues include punctures, cracking of the seal where the tire meets the rim, and damage to the rim itself.

Drop in Fuel Economy

Worn tires can end up producing lower fuel economy. This is due to the fact that the car doesn't get enough traction, and ultimately, that means the engine has to work harder to get the vehicle moving, especially when going forward from a stop.


As tires age, the rubber material can dry out. This leads to cracking, and it can even cause tread separation at highway speeds.

Bumps, Bubbles, Frays, or Bulges

Any visible warping or fraying of a tire is a bad sign. The structural integrity of the tire is likely failing, and you should get to a tire services shop as soon as possible. Be aware that the tire will have to be replaced. For more information, contact local professionals like those found at East Bay Tire Co.
