A Guide to Buying Quality and Reliable Car Tires

Posted on: 31 January 2022

Buying car tires is a daunting and demanding task. For example, you need to know tire codes and interpret them to avoid making mistakes. Unfortunately, visiting different tire dealers or navigating countless online shops can be frustrating, especially if you do not know the market on a practical level. This guide will show the steps you should follow to buy quality car tires.

1. Determine Whether You Need New Tires

Checking whether your tires need replacing does not require much expertise. If your car is slipping, pulling to one side, or taking longer to stop when you hit the brake, it might be time to buy new tires. You can also check the size of the tire treads. A straightforward way to do this is to use the penny test. You just need to insert a penny in the treads with Lincoln's head pointed down. If the tread does not hide a part of the head, it is time to buy new tires.

2. Identify the Appropriate Tires

Choosing the wrong tire type is a common mistake when buying new tires. Before you go shopping, check your car's user manual to know the tire specifications you should look for. New tires come with unique codes on their sidewalls, which indicate their type, size, and performance.

You need to compare these codes with your car tires' specifications, and you are good to go. However, you can deviate from the original specs depending on your driving habit, weather, or road types. Be sure to consult a certified tire dealer to avoid making mistakes.

3. Step Out and Shop

If you are well aware of the size and tire type you want, now you can step out and explore the market. Like with other goods and services, there are many places you can buy car tires. For example, you could buy from a local tire shop, warehouse club, dealership, or online tire shop.

Compare the cost and installation price by each tire dealer. However, do not fall for the low-priced tires because their quality and performance might be inferior. Generally, you get what you pay for. For the best deals, it is advisable to buy from a certified tire dealer with good reviews who can offer discounts, warranties, and complimentary services.

4. Buy Your Tires Confidently

Have you explored the market, read different reviews, and compared prices and qualities? Now it's time to buy the tires you have settled on, have them installed, and hit the road with confidence. If you want your new tire to stay in top condition for long, ask the experts to align your wheels before installation.

Armed with these tips in mind, you can confidently buy new car tires. However, like mentioned above, be sure to buy from a professional tire dealer who can offer quality tires at a fair price.
