Understanding Your Engine Oil
Posted on:
3 June 2019
Proper lubrication is key to keeping any engine running properly. Without it, friction builds up and creates heat that can damage or even completely destroy the internal parts of your motor. You know that maintaining proper lubrication in your engine means changing your oil on a regular schedule, but do you know the details of how oil keeps your engine running smoothly? And, perhaps more importantly, do you understand the details of the oils that you are putting into your car?
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Worried About Your Brakes? Do These Two Things
Posted on:
14 May 2019
Having a vehicle with faulty brakes could cause you to get into a serious accident. Unfortunately, many drivers don't know how to identify problems with their brakes or how to maintain them. By properly acting on warning signs, you can help ensure that your car is safe on the road.
Have Your Brakes Cleaned
One way that you can maintain your brakes is to have them cleaned by a mechanic. This is necessary due to how dirt and debris can collect on the brake pad surface, which can make them less effective at stopping your car.
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Causes And Fixes For A Leaky Radiator
Posted on:
22 March 2019
A car that is losing coolant is a car in serious need of repair. If your car is leaking from the radiator, then it is in constant risk of overheating. Even worse, modern engines generally do not tolerate overheating well. Even a very short period of time above normal operating temperature has the potential to do serious damage to the engine, including head gasket failures or damage to the head itself.
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Signs You Might Need To Visit A Tire Services Shop
Posted on:
20 February 2019
Taking care of the tires on a vehicle is critical to maintaining its performance and safety. Given the current state of the market, though, it's understandable that you may want to be sure there isn't a better solution before you start checking prices with tire dealers. Follow these 5 pointers and you can rest assured that you'll be getting the most out of your tires.
Tread Depth
A classic approach to verifying tread depth on tires is to use a penny.
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